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Pro Xp60 Air Spray gun line includes Standard, Smart, High Conductivity, Round Spray and Waterborne models. The additional gun models combine the benefits of material savings and excellent finish quality into a smaller and lighter gun body, making it easier to spray.
- The smallest profile gun with internal power supply on the market – 1 inch (2.5 cm) shorter and 4 oz (110 g) lighter
- Reduce muscle strain with the lighter trigger pull
- Smart Controls help you analyze performance, adapt to your voltage needs and make troubleshooting easier
- Made in the USA
- Rugged, dependable design supported by a three year warranty
- Every gun is tested and delivered with a certificate indicating the spray pattern, mechanical performance and electrical performance meets Graco’s requirements
Product Downloads
3A2494G, Pro Xp ElectrostaticAir Spray Gun, Instructions-Parts, English
3A2496E, WB100 Isolation System and Pro Xp 60 WB Gun, Instructions/Parts, English
3A2498A, Round Spray Kit, Instructions-Parts, English
345007EN Pro Xp Electrostatic Gun Brochure
345018EN Electrostatic Waterborne Guns